What exactly is SodaStream?
This is the brand name of carbonation systems for home use. They were invented during the early 1900s to incorporate carbon dioxide (CO2) to drinking water. In those days they were called “apparatus for aerating liquids”. The newer versions allow for incorporating flavored concentrates and before you know it – you have homemade carbonated, flavor drink or soda pop.
The initial machines made were rather big and were sold for the larger households from the upper classes based in london, including the royal household. There were flavors with odd names, one being the well-known sarsaparilla released while in the 1920s. The commercial carbonation machines were also introduced from the 1920s and were very well liked. The first smaller machines for home carbonation was produced in 1955.
Because of so many types of concentrate, different and exclusive flavors of soft drinks can be produced. In the days when the systems were most popular, many well-known brands were available for SodaStream from the concentrate such as Fants, and Sunkist.
During the early 1990s, the company merged with Soda-Club and has since relaunched using a marketing plan geared more towards overall health or healthiers drink for kids or families.
Now there are several competing brands of soda concentrate for SodaStream. Aromhuset is the Superior mark and their Zero (sugar free) series taste like they was sugar sweetened. Take a look on their Zero Indian Tonic at amazon England.
The SodaStream drink maker comes with a canister with CO2 that is pushed into water which makes water fizzy. The total product includes a machine, co2 canister, and many reusable drink bottles especially made for pressurizing. After filling a bottle with water, you screw it on the machine, push a button, and create sparkling water. Carbonated sparkling water is additionally referred to as seltzer water. There are different flavors of concentrated syrups allowing the user to generate regular or diet soda pop (or soft drinks). When the canister is empty, you give it back and buy a new canister of CO2.
The popularity on the SodaStream during the 70s and 80s in the United Kingdom and presently are connected with nostalgia for all those periods of time. The advertising real tonic water jingle in 1970 was “get busy with the fizzy” and was so very well liked, that this slogan was added to their logo. It was ultimately dropped in 1996 after 17 years.
MilkStream is actually a machine made by the very same company for making milkshakes. You simply add milk, ice cream and syrup inside a tall glass, insert in the machine and a wand extends into the tall glass to whip up a foaming, delicious milkshake.
Today, SodaStream is part of Soda-Club and there are many web sites where they could be purchased and all sorts of the supplies could be ordered and reordered when needed.